Juanita Rischard, LPC

About Spiritual Direction


What is Spiritual Direction?

     Spiritual direction is an opportunity for me to offer a prayerful and sensitive presence to you as you share with me your spiritual journey.  Spiritual direction is a yearning for what gives a soul purpose and life.  As your spiritual companion, I will seek to assist you in discerning the particular path God is leading you to follow.  I will encourage and support you in faithfully following that path. Spiritual Direction is really not about your being “directed,” rather it is more about your being encouraged to have a deeper relationship with GOD.

     Spiritual direction differs from psychological counseling. Spiritual direction is an ongoing journey of uncovering, discovering and discerning God in our lives, while psychological counseling is more problem/resolution focused.   

How do I know if I could benefit from Spiritual Direction?

     If you have a desire for a deeper relationship and companionship with God but you are discouraged or uncertain about how to create and receive this, then you may benefit from spiritual direction. The spiritual seeker and director work together to help you seek God in all times and places in your life experience -- your grief and celebration, work and play, joy and sadness, success and failure.       

What might I expect from engaging in Spiritual Direction?

     A common pattern of those seeking spiritual direction is to meet with a director regularly.  During our session, I will focus on listening to you and helping you to notice how GOD is working in your life - past, present and future. The fruits of spiritual direction often include a sense of inner peace and calm, a clearer sense of direction and a stronger ability to discern God’s presence and desire for you in your life.   

How do I begin?

     If you are interested in knowing more about spiritual direction or would like to talk with me about working together, you can contact me at 318-932-1463. We will set up a one-hour initial appointment. We will both pray about entering into a relationship of spiritual direction together and will discuss how often you would like to meet.    


Within each of us lies the desire to find meaning beyond the moment; To discover our true selves; To grow closer to God and to one another. A Spiritual director can help you satisfy that longing.